By intimately following the way people live, we provide foods that ensure a healthier, more satisfying world.
The Nichirei Foods motto is Hamidas (to go beyond what is expected, in a straight-forward, positive manner). It expresses our desire to challenge existing paradigms and even go beyond job requirements to cooperate with colleagues, so that everyone can work together in a positive environment.
In addition, we have discussions between management and staff, as well as video messages from the board, to explain to employees our thoughts, desires, and the various initiatives we undertake. This ensures that the atmosphere in the workplace is open and comfortable.
In 2017, we adopted a new brand statement that is well expressed by the phrase, “Exploring the subtlest of flavors.”
We are proud to be the first company in Japan to have manufactured frozen foods. We will continue our efforts to improve our technologies, create quality products, and provide products and services that will truly satisfy our customers. We sincerely thank all our stakeholders for their support.
Nichirei Foods Inc. Representative Director, President
Masahiko Takenaga