Corporate Concept, Mission and Vision

Corporate Concept

The Taste of Happiness

Corporate Mission

By intimately following the way people live, we provide foods that ensure a healthier, more satisfying world.

Our Vision

We are increasingly perfecting our skills in order to create new value and establish Nichirei as the world’s most trusted name in foods.

To Customers and Business Partners

We approach each customer and partner with honesty and sincerity, to deliver products and services of unique value.

To Employees

We provide a healthy, transparent workplace to ensure open and dynamic communication.

To Society & Investors

We seek to build a global company on a foundation of trust and admiration.

Employee’s Motto and Action Guidelines



Japanese term meaning
1. Going beyond, with thoughtfulness for fellow workers
2. Always challenge yourself
3. Discover the joy in working together to exceed expectations

[Action Guidelines]
1. Abide by all laws and social rules and act in keeping with the highest ethical standers.
2. Constantly study people’s lifestyles and dietary habits in order to offer new ways to improve people’s lives.
3. Respect individual differences and work together with open communication.
4. Always uphold the Nichirei tradition of honest craftmanship.
5. Work with modesty and humility, constantly challenging yourself to make further improvements.

Three Promises

As the company responsible for first producing frozen foods in Japan, Nichirei Foods stands by three promises, namely, that it will continue to:

  • 1

    Improve quality control measures

    Improve quality control measures
  • 2

    Promote product information disclosure

    Promote product information disclosure
  • 3

    Produce new products that leverage the appeal of frozen foods

    Produce new products that leverage the appeal of frozen foods

These promises are designed to ensure consumer safety and peace of mind.

Seven Basic Values

Nichirei Foods acknowledges that its processed foods should be seen as providing consumers with food that is:

Healthy,Enjoyable to eat,Simple and convenient to prepare,Delicious,Safe,Readily available,Reasonably priced